We’re on a mission to change the way society talks, thinks, and feels about our reproductive health.

Let’s make ‘it’s just a bad period’ history.

“The more I share my story, the more power I take back for myself.”

— Carol-Anne, PCOS

Conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, PMDD, infertility, fibroids, and POI impact millions of people in the UK. And whilst each reproductive health condition affects people in different ways, they all have one thing in common. Their real, day-to-day impact on a person’s life keeps getting dismissed. At school, at work, at home, and in the GP’s office.

This has to change. Freja’s is your space to share your story.

The more we share, the louder we get, the harder we are to ignore.

  • A portrait of a black woman, with straight hair wearing athletic wear.

    Ria's PCOS story

    ‘Are you just supposed to walk around with all these symptoms, not getting any real help, just because you don’t want to be a parent? It made me feel a bit lost and confused and a bit forgotten about. I felt stuck. Wondering if this is how I am going to be feeling forever?’

  • Caucasian woman wearing jeans, polkadot top and black leather jacket, standing in front of a red and pink balloon display.

    Gaby's PMDD story

    ‘Every cycle I would have, what I call the “hell week” where I would destroy everything around me. 7-10 days where I would just be so angry and leave a trail of destruction behind me.’

  • Portrait of a black woman, with straight hair, wearing a grey top.

    Dawn's Fibroids story

    ‘When I first got out of surgery, my partner and mum were absolutely horrified to learn that they’d removed 16 fibroids, and they couldn’t believe that I’d been walking around with that in my body. (…) we [as a society] have also normalised pain, and even extreme pain, as just part of being a woman.’