Our values

Inclusion and diversity

We recognise that reproductive health conditions impact people differently depending on their social and cultural background, sexuality, gender identity and disability. We have an ongoing commitment to represent this diverse community, both in our storytelling and in how we build and grow Freja’s. 

How do we do this:

We recognise that we organisationally have a long way to go to build a company that represents the community we work with. We are actively taking steps to overcome this and we are committed to applying a proportion of our funding and revenue towards training on anti-racism and diversity and inclusion. 

We recognise that building an inclusive company is an ongoing process and one which should begin from the top down. We have started this process by building a board of directors that includes people who are; mixed-race, part of the LGBTQIA+ community, live with reproductive health conditions, and are disabled.   

In our recruitment, we are dedicated to seeking out support to reach communities currently underrepresented in the not-for-profit space. 

We fully endorse the values enshrined in the Equality Act 2010, and racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and fat-phobia have no place at Freja’s.


We recognise that reproductive health is an often sensitive topic and that choosing to share one's journey with the world, is a big step for many. We put the well-being of those who share their stories with us, and the well-being of our team, at the forefront of everything we do.

How do we do this:

Everyone who shares their story with us is asked to give feedback on the content before their story is published - this includes the opportunity to ask for information to be removed from the final piece, at any point before or after publication, if they no longer feel comfortable sharing this. 

Everyone who shares their story with us will be informed about where this content will be shared. If the same content is to be shared at a later date in a new context, the interviewee will be contacted to give explicit consent for the new use of their story. 

The well-being of our team members is integral to the success of Freja’s and we actively promote a sustainable approach to how we work together as a team. This includes asking team members to be upfront about their ability to contribute their time as life progresses and to reach out to senior management when needing support. 

We are committed to applying a proportion of our funding and revenue towards training senior management on better ways of supporting team members and building partnerships with organisations that offer well-being services. 


Not one experience of living with a reproductive health condition is the same, and though there will often be similarities, we understand and respect that there is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ when it comes to the experience of living with endometriosis, PCOS, PMDD, fibroids, infertility or other reproductive health conditions. 

How do we do this:

We are committed to always having an open, curious, and respectful approach when people share their stories with us. We will not judge or bring preconceived notions to the table. Instead, we are here to listen and learn, and to communicate the individual's experience as truthfully as possible.   

Honesty and transparency

We are asking people to openly and honestly share experiences with us which are deeply personal and might leave a person feeling vulnerable. We cannot do so without in turn being completely open, honest, and transparent about our motivations, how we operate, and who we partner with.  

How do we do this:

We will profile all directors and team members on our website, publish annual reports and share information about all of our partnerships publicly.